I am a tenured Associate Professor of Cognitive Science, at the University of Reading, UK, affiliated to the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics, and the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences. I conduct and supervise research combining empirical work and mathematical modelling, at both cellular and systemic levels, to understand how interaction with the environment supports experience, in vision and touch. We use psychophysics, electrophysiology and neuroimaging methods, as well as mathematical modelling.
Before starting in Reading as a Lecturer, I was a postdoctoral Research Assistant at Goldsmiths Univ. London, where I developed a theoretical framework for information processing based on interaction, as an alternative to computationalism. Before that, I was the recipient of a Fellowship for Prospective Researchers, awarded by Swiss National Science Foundation, which I used to join Prof. Murray Shanahan’s Cognitive Robotics group at Imperial College London. During this time, I contributed to the development of NeMo, a modelling platform for spiking neurons using GPUs.