Fred is current Chief Marshal of Commencement (2020-present); current Chair of the Library Committee (2017-present); past Faculty Senate and executive board member (2011-17); Co-Chair (with Devika Subramanian) of the committee that established the minor in data science; Chair of the Department of Psychological Sciences; established STEM-related psychology CIP codes at the graduate level in psychology (2019); and currently serves in a number of department roles (Director of Graduate Studies, I-O psychology area head).
Fred is the current Chair (2020-22) of the National Academy of Science (NAS) Board on Human Systems Integration (BOHSI) (chair 2020-23; board member 2015-2019); member and Chair-Elect of the APA Board of Scientific Affairs (2020-22); the recent Chair of APA’s Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment (CPTA 2018-19); served as recent president of the Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP) (2017-18); and was a committee member on two NAS commissioned reports: Assessing Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Competencies (2017) and Measuring Human Capabilities (2015); he also chaired an NAS workshop on Personnel Selection in the Patterns Evidence Domain of Forensic Science (2017).