Steven Goodman, MD, MHS, PhD, is Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research and Professor of Epidemiology & Population Health and of Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He directs the Stanford Program on Research Rigor and Reproducibility (SPORR), a program to teach and incentivize the adoption of best scientific practices throughout the Stanford School of Medicine. He is co-founder and co-director of the Meta-research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), a group dedicated to studying and improving the reproducibility and efficiency of biomedical research. He leads a variety of training programs in epidemiology and clinical research. His research area is in scientific and statistical inference, with connections to policy and ethics.
Outside of Stanford, Steve serves as Chair of the PCORI Methodology Committee, senior statistical editor at the Annals of Internal Medicine, and is scientific advisor to the national Blue Cross-Blue Shield technology assessment program. He has participated in over a dozen committees and workshops of the National Academies of Science. He was awarded the 2016 Spinoza Chair in Medicine from the University of Amsterdam for his work in inference, the 2019 Lilienfeld award from the American College of Epidemiology for his contributions to the field of epidemiology, and in 2020 was elected to the National Academy of Medicine.